Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Where Have We Been Lately? Cool Notes from the Field.

  • Felts Preserve, Oct. 2   The trip to this lovely Felts Preserve (a joint walk with 15 members and guests from Sarasota Audubon and Sarasota County Butterfly club) pretty much fulfilled this scenario, although flowers were scarce while Biden weeds were abundant. We spotted 17 different butterfly species, a Great Horned Owl, and three Golden Silk Orb-weaver Spiders. Highlights of the trip included a rare sighting of a Tawny Emperor, Southern Skipperlings, a Two-Spot Skipper, several Long-tailed Skippers (one missing his tail), Orange-barred Sulphurs, Black and Polydamus Swallowtails, and Ceraunus Blues everywhere. Several of our group concluded the morning with a tasty lunch at the Crab Trap 2 Restaurant in Elllenton.  -Stu Hills, Trip Leader

  • Robinson Preserve, Oct.6    This morning, I led a group of 9 birders and a photographer from the Herald-Tribune through Robinson Preserve. The weather was absolutely wonderful, but the high winds made looking for passerine migrants quite a challenge. We ended the day with 42 species. Before we started, we saw the local Bald Eagle pair in and around the nest. Just after 8 am, we were able to observe them copulating in the nest. Our most memorable moment, however, occurred while observing a flock of shorebirds. As we watching, the entire flock flew off in unison. We looked around, and an immature Peregrine Falcon appeared out of nowhere! It was zigzagging over the pond and almost took out a Laughing Gull sitting on the water. We all got very good looks as it as it flew over our heads. Nearby, a Merlin was well. -Dan Irizarry, Trip Leader

  • Oscar Scherer State Park, Oct.7   Our first walk at Oscar Scherer yielded the usual residents, including Scrub Jays, Brown Thrasher, and Tufted Titmouse. We were treated to a few late migrants and winter arrivals: Scarlet Tanager, Yellow-throated , Pine, and Parula Warblers. Join Audubon any Thursday at 8:30 AM at the Nature Center. -Lynn Jakubowicz and Karen Jensen

  • Celery Fields, Oct. 9    Despite the disturbed habitat due to the recent dirt removal and plantings, we found 35 species, including a Sora Rail , Roseate Spoonbill, and Bald Eagle. Least Sandpipers and both Yellowlegs were abundant, along with Blue-winged Teal, Black-bellied Whistling Ducks and some early Northern Shovelers. -Lynn Jakubowicz and Owen Comora

  • Pinecraft Park, Oct. 16 Sarasota Audubon had a field trip to Pinecraft Park today, led by Edith Miller, with John Ginaven helping. It was a beautiful day. Although birding in the woods was slow, we managed to dig out 30 species: Along the creek highlights: Green Heron, Common Yellowthroat, House Wren, Blue Grosbeak, Indigo Buntings, Belted Kingfisher. Overhead: American Kestrel. In the woodland: Blue-headed Vireo, Black and White Warbler, Scarlet Tanager, Ruby-throated Hummingbird and two Barred Owls calling.

Come on out with us next time. We have plenty of trips lined up in the next 6 months. Visit to learn more.

1 comment:

  1. We not only heard two Barred Owls calling at Pinecraft, we got killer looks at them, including one watching us with his head upside down under a branch. That was Shala's favorite. We might not have had quantity, but we had quality, wonderful weather, and a fun group of birders. It was a delightful morning of birding.
