Monday, January 18, 2010

Noted Bird Photographer Arthur Morris to Share Award-Winning Photos

On Monday, February 8 at 7:30 p.m., world-famous bird photographer Arthur Morris will present some of his award-winning nature and wildlife photos at the free monthly meeting of Sarasota Audubon Society.

More than 11,000 of Arthur Morris’s photographs have been published in national publications including American Birds, Audubon, Birder's World, Florida Wildlife and Nature, National Geographic, Natural History, Nature Photographer, Outdoor Photographer, Ranger Rick, Wildbird, and other magazines, as well as in hundreds of books and calendars.

Our meetings take place at the First Congregational Church Fellowship Hall, 1031 South Euclid Avenue in Sarasota. Call (941) 355-1709 for more information. Hope to see you there!

The Sarasota Audubon Society is the local chapter of the National Audubon Society. The 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization is dedicated to protecting birds, wildlife, and the environment. Sarasota Audubon’s active education campaign includes monthly meetings featuring environmental topics and speakers, weekly trips to local parks and natural areas, annual overnight and international birding trips, and road clean up activities adjacent to the Celery Fields.  Learn more about us here.

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