Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring at the Rookery

Thanks to Sarasota Audubon Society's Rick Greenspun for sharing these beautiful photos with us.

Is Rick an amazing photographer or what?  We love it that he's always so generous to share these captured moments with us. Be sure to get out and enjoy this season!

Check out our full array of activities online at

Seeking Beach Nesting Bird Monitors: Training Provided & It's Fun

Every year, Snowy Plovers, Black Skimmers and Least Terns attempt to nest on our area beaches.
They face the challenge of not only the Summer heat and storms, but have to contend with predators,feral cats, raccoons, dogs and disturbance from unknowing or uncaring human activities.

To assist them in their time of need, we need volunteers to help locate and report nests, become beach ambassadors to inform and educate the public, and beach "Bird Life Guards" that would be stationed near nest sites during peak times and holidays to safeguard them from interference.
Training is available.

Sarasota Audubon is currently seeking volunteers in the following categories:
  • Beach Ambassadors
  • Nest Monitors/ Locators
  • Nest Site Guardians
 E-mail Beachvolunteer@SarasotaAudubon.Org or call Bonnie Samuelson at: 951-7704.